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Cyber Awareness Training: A key in the defence against cyber crime

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Recently the Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) has warned that they expect a rise in cybercrime to 400% above normal levels this tax season, with much of that targeting employees of small and medium businesses. Defending against cyber-attacks like these has become one of the biggest focuses for Australian business.

While protective measures such as identity management, vulnerability scanning and 24/7 monitoring provide tools to limit risks, implementing cyber awareness training for all employees should be one of the first cybersecurity measures you consider, as human error or carelessness can undo a strong cybersecurity strategy. Your team can broaden their cyber awareness through education and training from professionals outside your organisation or your IT professionals within your organisation.

What is Cyber Awareness?

Cyber awareness means knowing how to spot and deal with cyber risks. It’s not just about knowing the rules; it’s about understanding how your actions online can impact security. For employees, this means being able to recognise threats, follow security guidelines, and understand what could happen if there’s a breach. Cyber awareness in cybersecurity encompasses the knowledge and consciousness individuals or organisations possess about various cyber threats, vulnerabilities, and protective measures. It involves understanding the types of threats that exist, such as phishing, malware, and social engineering, and implementing the behaviours and practices that can mitigate these risks.

Being cyber aware and cyber secure includes staying updated on emerging threats and continuously improving security practices to maintain a proactive approach against potential cyber-attacks. It can empower individuals and organisations to make informed decisions and take preventive actions to safeguard digital assets and information effectively. While everyone in your organisation doesn’t have to do all of this, they should all have a base level understanding and be committed to implementing safe practices.

Benefits of Cyber Awareness Training:

Spotting Threats Better

One of the most significant benefits of enhancing cyber awareness among employees is that it improves their ability to spot and report suspicious activities. Automated systems are crucial in defending against cyber threats, but they are not infallible. Human intuition and vigilance can often catch anomalies that machines might overlook. For instance, many cyber-attacks have been thwarted because an observant employee noticed something unusual and took swift action. This highlights the importance of human instincts in cybersecurity, acting as an additional layer of defence that can make a substantial difference in preventing breaches.

Stopping Insider Threats

Insider threats, whether intentional or accidental, pose a significant risk to an organisation’s security. Educating employees about these threats, such as data theft or system sabotage, can significantly reduce their occurrence. By promoting ethical behaviour and ensuring that staff understand their responsibilities, organisations can mitigate the risk of insider threats. Additionally, training employees to recognize and report unusual behaviour early on is a proactive strategy that can prevent potential harm before it escalates.

Better Cyber Habits

Good cyber habits are the cornerstone of effective cybersecurity, and they should be taught in training across the board. Practices such as using strong passwords, being cautious about clicking on unknown links, and safeguarding sensitive information are essential in reducing the risk of cyber-attacks. When these habits become ingrained in daily routines, they create a robust defence against cyber criminals. Encouraging and reinforcing these practices ensures that your organisation becomes a less attractive target for threat actors.

Dodging Phishing and Fraudulence

Social engineering attacks, including phishing emails and fraudulent phone calls, remain prevalent methods for cyber criminals to gain access to systems. Educating employees about these tactics and conducting simulated attacks can significantly reduce their effectiveness. By honing their ability to distinguish between legitimate and malicious communications, staff become less likely to fall victim to social engineering schemes. This heightened awareness is crucial in maintaining a secure cyber environment especially with these attacks becoming harder to spot now that threat actors are using AI.

Ensuring Compliance Organisation Wide

Adhering to regulatory requirements and privacy laws is not just a legal obligation but also a mark of a responsible business. Cyber awareness training helps ensure that employees understand and comply with these regulations, thereby protecting sensitive data. Demonstrating a commitment to data protection builds trust with customers and partners, enhancing the organization’s reputation and reliability. Compliance training also helps avoid legal penalties and the reputational damage that can result from data breaches.

Creating a Cybersecure Culture

Creating a strong security culture within an organisation goes beyond technical solutions; it involves fostering a mindset where cybersecurity is everyone’s responsibility. When employees recognize the importance of security and work together to uphold it, the organisation becomes more resilient. Recognizing and rewarding individuals who contribute to security efforts reinforces the idea that everyone has a role to play in maintaining safety. This collective approach creates a supportive environment where security is prioritised, which can also minimise the burden on your IT team.

Ready for New Threats

The landscape of cyber threats is constantly evolving, making it imperative for organisations to stay prepared. Regular cyber awareness training keeps employees informed about the latest risks and how to address them. Ideally, cyber awareness training should be renewed at least annually if not every 6 months to combat complacency when it comes to cybersecurity and monitoring for threats. Making cyber awareness training regular and compulsory ensures that the team is always ready to tackle new challenges, preventing potential issues from becoming significant problems. Staying ahead of emerging threats is a key component of an effective cybersecurity strategy.

Saving Money and Reputation

Investing in cyber awareness training is a cost-effective measure that can save organisations substantial amounts of money. Preventing data breaches and cyber-attacks before they occur is far less expensive than dealing with the aftermath. Early detection and proper response to potential threats minimise downtime, financial losses, and damage to the organisation’s reputation. Viewing cyber training as a strategic investment in risk management underscores its importance in protecting the organisation’s most valuable assets.

Boosting employee cyber awareness has many of benefits for keeping your organisations data and reputation safe. By making sure everyone knows how to spot and deal with threats, organisations can use their team’s skills to stay secure. Prioritising cyber awareness training doesn’t just make it harder for threat actors, it also shows that everyone in the organisation cares about keeping data safe and operations running smoothly, this has an added bonus of lessening the strain on your IT professionals as well. Make cyber awareness a key part of your security plan to build a safer and stronger future for your organisation.

Contact us today for a consultation or to learn more about our training services in our CyberStart package.


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