
What Makes Us Different

Why Us?

our competitive EDGE

Emantra delivers its services from premium infrastructure, systems, skills and a team built over 17 years of  government IT delivery.

We believe we demonstrate the following competitive differentiators every day:

  • Deep practitioner experience – we’ve proven what works and doesn’t

  • Independence – our resource choices are solely merit-based.

  • Pricing for outcome and value – no onerous corporate overheads that you pay for

  • Substantial goodwill with government and enterprise clients – excellent references available

  • Thorough knowledge of Australian Government compliance and strategy including ISM, ASD Essential 8, Privacy Principles, SOCI Act, Breach Notification, etc.

  • Investment in new equipment and facilities – continual refresh and IRAP re-assessment

  • SME energy and ambition – Emantra’s owner and executive team have oversight of customer relationships

  • Low bureaucracy and a no-nonsense approach – We won’t waste your time or ours. Our leadership team is a phone call away.

  • Emantra’s Customer Service Pledge, which we take seriously,  commits all staff to strive for service excellence and customer satisfaction. We regularly measure these outcomes.

  • Charitable and community work. Emantra provides pro bono services to NFPs in child safety and conquering depression. (Enquire if interested).

The lighthouse is our motif. it signifies guidance, clarity and safety.

service inclusions

Unless otherwise quoted, Emantra’s service price will include:

  • Procurement of hardware and licences
  • Secure hosting in Tier III and Tier IV Australian data centre
  • Hosting behind Emantra’s own PROTECTED secure internet gateway
  • All other costs of ownership, maintenance, insurance and operation including OEM gold warranty.
  • Professional documentation including high level and detailed “as- built” blueprints
  • Patch management regime
  • Remote backup facility and automated backup regime
  • 24/7 automated monitoring and alert system
  • Business hours full technical support desk with after-hours escalation of P1 incidents
  • Technical labour and input necessary to deliver the service at its agreed SLA is not incrementally charged.
  • All bandwidth both ingress and egress.
  • Reporting as agreed.
  • Contracted SLA on uptime, performance and response, with service credit regime for under-achievement.

why sovereign

Doing business with Australian-owned businesses is important to sustain local skills and experience.  This leads to strengthening Australia’s society, economy and ultimately national resilience. 

The Australian Government recognises this through programs like the Future Made in Australia package, the Buy Australian Plan, Cyber Strategy 2023-2030 and the Defence Industry Development Strategy, all of which emphasise the importance of a flourishing local tech industry.

Please allow us the opportunity to compete in a market filled with dominant foreign “big tech”.  We can prove that our products and services are especially relevant in the local market and that our solutions at least match those of the best global quality.

We believe Emantra represents the essence of sovereignty:

  • Australian-owned and controlled
  • Data located in Australia under no national jurisdiction other than Australia’s
  • No competing foreign allegiances or pressures
  • Sourcing skills and resources locally wherever possible
  • Supporting Australian training and skills development
  • Attuned to national cyber and privacy regulation
  • Paying our fair share of Australian tax
  • Making Australia resilient and not reliant on offshore suppliers
  • Working ultimately with an enduring commitment to the benefit of Australian jobs and the economy.


Emantra services typically are “turnkey” with a quoted cost that is all-inclusive. We take responsibility for all aspects of service delivery and functionality.

Most services are billed every month with any proposed charges pre-quoted. Monthly fees are either fixed or may scale with consumption, as contracted. There will typically be an annual CPI increment. A modest up-front fee may be quoted to absorb our discovery or bid preparation cost.

Emantra’s managed services represent exceptional value for money. Here are some of the main points of value we offer:

  • Reduced total cost of ownership (TCO): Outsourcing managed services can often be more cost-effective than hiring and training in-house staff to perform the same tasks. This is particularly true for specialised or niche services that require specific expertise.
  • Improved quality of service: Emantra’s services are based on established working principles such as the ITIL ITSM Framework ISO 9000 QMS principles. We apply world best practices and expertise in what we do and how we do it.
  • Improved consistency of service: Emantra’s services are templated on sound design principles and OEM guidelines. Our services are transportable to in-house or cross-supplier if you need to.
  • Improved information and decision-making: More comprehensive and practical measurements and metrics will enable better decision-making and a sharper edge to your business.
  • Access to expertise: We provide our customers with specialised and expensive “on-tap” knowledge that may not be available in-house. This is particularly valuable in cybersecurity, cloud computing, or network infrastructure.
  • Access to the most modern tools: Emantra uses sophisticated software tools, the best in the market, to underpin our managed services.
  • A straightforward implementation of new or changed services: Emantra’s services are easy to access, purchase and quick to provision. We do all the installation, customisation and configuration work and will train in-house staff where relevant.
  • Improved IT governance: We know the Australian jurisdictional requirements, including privacy principles, data breach notification and minimum cyber-maturity or capability standards.
  • Scalability: Our services are independent of your capital expenditure or budget. We can scale critical parameters such as compute power, storage and connectivity more easily as your needs change over time. 
  • Focus on core business functions: Emantra’s managed services will free up resources and allow organisations to focus on their core business functions rather than spending time and energy on non-core tasks.



hand holding a light

Emantra’s approach to your engagement is informed by our experience, special skills, and our adherence to project management and operating standards.

Our approach is systematic, designed to efficiently identify the nub of your challenge and ways Emantra can add value.  We’ll offer our own take on your issues but are always guided by your priorities and budget.

Initial discussions with our experts around recommended treatments, risk analysis and costs are provided free of charge and with no obligation.

Emantra drives its services from our national SOC and proven support network.We use a number of popular licensable tools and proprietary techniques but we deliver those to you “as a service” complete with full management and support. We are not a cold licence reseller.  Most services are subscription based over a contract term.

All services are administered using the Atlassian Jira ITSM tool and job logging system to which you will have access. We adopt a strict Patch Management regime for which we negotiate a pre-arranged weekly maintenance window. Our operations are to ITIL Version 4 standard. Emantra is ISO 27001 accredited and currently under audit to achieve ISO 9000 certification.  We use the NIST Cyber Resilience Framework to guide our solutions.

Emantra offers a business hours Level 2+ technical service desk (free to support SLA level) and 24/7 escalation of P1 incidents. SLA’s are service credit backed. All Emantra staff are AGSVA vetted, including from Baseline to NV-2.

We’ll stay in touch through regular service management meetings at which we’ll report metrics and seek feedback.  Executive level contact is encouraged.