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How implementing patch management and software updates can protect your business

In 2023 the ASD found that 1 in 5 critical vulnerabilities were exploited within 48 hours. This was despite patching advice being publicly available to mitigate these critical vulnerabilities. With the cost of cybercrime increase 14% in 2023 it is more important than ever to take proactive measures to patch vulnerabilities and keep software updated. This blog post will explore the critical role of software updates and patching in vulnerability protection, underscoring the necessity of these practices in maintaining robust cybersecurity defences.


What is the role of software updates and patch management?

Software updates and patching are essential components of cybersecurity. Updates can involve the process of upgrading software to enhance functionality, fix bugs, and improve performance. Patch management specifically addresses vulnerabilities by repairing known security flaws that could be exploited by attackers. Together, they form a crucial defence mechanism, ensuring that software remains secure and resilient against emerging threats. Updates will come through regularly and generally your computer or your software will notify you of updates and patches but that isn’t always the case. If you run a business your IT team should be on top of this but managing any personal software or regular computer updates should be something you schedule in time for.


Who should be patching and updating your software?

Ensuring security through patching is critical, but it is equally important to maintain operational continuity for your business and for your IT team. Strategies that your IT team can use are, scheduling updates during off-peak hours and testing patches in a controlled environment can minimise disruption to business operations. Balancing security needs with operational demands ensures that patching does not impede productivity.

Educating users about the importance of software updates is crucial in fostering a culture of cybersecurity awareness. Training employees to recognise phishing attempts and other tactics exploiting unpatched vulnerabilities can further enhance security. A well-informed workforce is a vital line of defence against cyber threats, reinforcing the significance of regular updates and patching. A well-informed workforce also takes the burden off of your IT team, giving them the peace of mind that their colleagues are keeping up to date with personal patching and software updates.

What are the best practices for patch management?

Establishing a robust patch management strategy is vital for effective cybersecurity. This involves identifying critical patches based on the severity of vulnerabilities and prioritising their deployment. Automating the patch deployment process can enhance efficiency and ensure timely updates. A structured approach to patch management not only secures systems but also streamlines operations. Working with you IT team to ensure that they are aware of all company software and scheduling in out of hours or operational downtime for updates can ensure that your team isn’t scrambling to manage unexpected updates or patches.

How should you patch your software?

Patching software involves several steps:

  1. Identify: Determine which software needs updates.

  1. Evaluate: Assess the criticality of each patch and prioritise accordingly.

  1. Test: Conduct testing in a controlled environment to ensure patches do not disrupt operations.

  2. Deploy: Implement patches systematically, ideally during off-peak hours to minimise disruptions.

  1. Monitor: Continuously monitor systems to ensure patches are applied correctly and systems remain secure.

When should you be checking for software updates?

Cyber threats evolve at a rapid pace, making timely software updates a necessity to combat new vulnerabilities. Outdated software presents significant risks, as it is often targeted by cybercriminals. High-profile cyber- attacks, many of which have happened recently and to large organisations, highlight the devastating consequences of unpatched vulnerabilities. By promptly applying updates, organisations can mitigate these risks and protect their systems from exploitation.

Where can I find my software updates?

Software updates are typically made available by software vendors through various channels, including their official websites, update notifications within the software itself, or through automated update mechanisms. It is crucial to regularly check these sources and apply updates as soon as they are released to ensure optimal security.

Why is it important to update software and deploy patches?

Regular software updates are essential for meeting compliance standards and data protection regulations. Adherence to these regulations demonstrates an organisation’s commitment to cybersecurity and protects it from legal and reputational repercussions. Non-compliance can result in severe fines and damage to an organisation’s reputation. Thus, maintaining compliance through regular updates is not only a legal obligation but also a strategic necessity.

Timely software updates reduce the potential entry points for cyber attacks, effectively shrinking the attack surface. By implementing least privilege access controls and ensuring that all software is up-to-date, organisations can minimise their vulnerability to attacks. This proactive approach significantly enhances overall security posture and reduces the risk of exploitation.

Zero-day vulnerabilities, which are exploited before a patch is available, pose a unique challenge. Rapid patch deployment is crucial in mitigating these threats. Collaboration between software vendors and security researchers plays a key role in identifying and addressing zero-day exploits promptly. Organisations must be prepared to act quickly to protect against these high-risk vulnerabilities.

Security advisories and alerts provide valuable information about known vulnerabilities. By staying informed and applying patches as recommended, organisations can address these risks proactively. Case studies demonstrate the significant impact of timely patching. For instance, the swift application of patches in response to the Heartbleed vulnerability protected countless systems from potential breaches.

In conclusion, the significance of software updates and patching in vulnerability protection cannot be emphasised enough. These proactive measures are fundamental aspects of cybersecurity defence, ensuring that systems remain secure against evolving threats. Organisations and individuals alike must prioritise regular updates and effective patch management to safeguard their digital assets.

If your organisation is overwhelmed keeping up with patch management then get in touch with Emantra! Our CyberStart package is an inclusive service that offers the management of patching and software updates.




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