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Tech in Gov Wrap Up

By Ella McAlister

Two weeks ago, through Emantra, I had the opportunity to experience exhibiting at Tech in Gov 2024 in Canberra. My experience at the conference was insightful and enjoyable, as we exhibited in partnership with the newly merged Exabeam.

Day 1:

The first day of Tech in Gov kicked off with enthusiasm and an influx of people from students to directors. Our stand, which was prepared and organised by me, Emantra’s Marketing team and Exabeam’s Marketing team, was ready to exhibit alongside our partners at Exabeam. We were kept incredibly busy throughout the day as we distributed merchandise, had interesting conversations and promoted our exciting PlayStation competition. This competition gave participants a chance to try out the Exabeam SIEM platform in a capture the flag style game. I found the first day to be full of surprises and I really enjoyed getting to know the conference attendees and other exhibitors.

Networking Drinks

The evening of the first day was marked by a networking event hosted by the Tech in Gov team in the exhibition hall. This event provided an excellent opportunity for me and my coworkers to connect with fellow exhibitors and guests. One of the highlights was the delightful gin tasting session by The Canberra Distillery, which added a local touch to the evening. This event us a chance to get to know their fellow exhibitors and socialise after a long day and gave us a chance to view the other exhibitors stands and gain inspiration for future events.

Day 2:

The second day of the conference was more relaxed for us and gave us a chance to attend some of the conference sessions. My coworker Owen and I both attended a session this day and we have shared our insights below. The conference had many interesting and engaging sessions to choose from however, as exhibitors our time was limited to what we could fit in around manning our stand.

Accountable AI decision making: Human rights and technology

I attended a session by Lorraine Finlay from the Australian Human Rights Commision which focused on the critical risks associated with using AI in decision-making processes, particularly within legal and immigration systems.

The session emphasised the necessity of holding AI decision-making accountable and underscored the importance of human involvement in legal and governmental decisions due to AI’s inability to fully grasp context. Transparency in the use of automated tools was another critical point, as public scrutiny is essential but often hampered by the lack of transparency of these systems.

A crucial takeaway was the need for AI systems to have clear boundaries and to be able to provide explanations for their decisions and to have clarity on the legal responsibility for these decisions. Governments are urged to utilise Human Rights Impact Assessments (HRIAs) before implementing AI tools to mitigate potential harms while leveraging the benefits of AI. The safety and security of legal and immigration data with commercial AI tools also sparked significant discussion, raising questions about data protection responsibilities.

Enhancing Hybrid Workforce Security and Experience

Another informative session, which was attended by Owen on the second day was given by Dane Hendren and Rennick Rogers and addressed the enhancement of security and experience in hybrid workforces. As work-from-home (WFH) and hybrid models become more prevalent, especially in growing urban populations, the discussion explored how these models can coexist and thrive. He emphasised that local businesses would not suffer from a 10% business loss due to WFH/hybrid models if population growth continued at a similar rate, but that WFH/Hybrid models would potentially be benefiting outer city businesses instead.

Final Thoughts

Tech in Gov 2024 was a remarkable opportunity for Emantra and for me to engage with influential figures and gain valuable insights into the future of technology in government. The event was a learning opportunity for me to explore the different aspects of running a stand at a conference and what goes into creating an experience for potential customers and partners. The event reinforced, for Emantra, commitment to innovation in cybersecurity and to interacting with our customers on a larger scale. I look forward to leveraging these insights as we continue to promote Emantra’s capabilities and exhibit at future events.

Who is Ella?

Ella is the Marketing and General Administration Assistant for Emantra.


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