
Deploying Nutanix on Cisco ACI: Tips, Tricks, and Challenges

When deploying Nutanix on a Cisco ACI network infrastructure, a holistic integration approach is key. Both Nutanix and Cisco ACI are powerful solutions in their own rights, but integrating them can be fraught with challenges. In this post, I’ll outline some of the tricks, issues, and resolutions we encountered while setting up a new cluster […]

Emantra joins ACSC Partner Program

In today’s interconnected world, businesses face unprecedented cybersecurity challenges. As organisations strive to protect their sensitive data and systems from ever-evolving threats, partnering with leading cybersecurity providers becomes imperative. Emantra, a renowned industry player known for its cutting-edge solutions, has recently joined the ACSC (Australian Cyber Security Centre) Partner Program. This strategic move is set […]

The top 5 Threats to your Microsoft Office 365 data in 2023

The Microsoft Office 365 (M365) suite has become an integral part of many organisations across Australia, offering a wide range of productivity and collaboration tools. However, as more organisations rely on M365 for their day-to-day operations, protecting the valuable data stored within the platform has become more important than ever, especially since Microsoft is not […]

Configuring Microsoft 365 and Azure for ASD Essential 8 Compliance

Hello, fellow cloud enthusiasts! If you’re working with Microsoft 365 and Azure, and you’re looking to ensure compliance with the Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) Essential 8 security controls, you’re in the right place. Let’s take a deep dive into configuring your environment to meet these guidelines. Background: What’s ASD Essential 8? For those unfamiliar, the […]

Dear John, about your data…

In case you haven’t seen the latest type of Dear John letter (who hasn’t?), here is one I received yesterday.  The names have been removed to protect the not-so-innocent.

HCF Progress

Emantra has successfully completed the refresh of its IRAP Assessments to PROTECTED level and now awaits certification under the Australian Government’s new Hosting Certification Framework (HCF).

Let’s keep this private

Interesting that the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) has revealed that three large-scale data breaches occurred in the second half of 2022 which affected between 1 million and 10 million Australians, plus another one involving more than 500,000 people. We don’t think there’s such a thing as a “ransomware-proof” business, but there are […]

Call for Partners

Emantra enjoys mutually fruitful relationships with selected partners, such as those featured on our home page. We are looking for more. We work with partners to source the best tools, go to market together, co-bid for mutual opportunities, subcontract, broaden your client services, introduce each other to new markets, share insights, etc. If you’re a […]


In line with its 2023 Service Catalog, Emantra has refreshed its listings on the DTA BUYICT Cloud Services Panel to facilitate federal government procurement.

I read the news today oh boy.

As we head into the new year, there’s a lot of gloomy news about cyber crime.  It’s easy to perpetuate the negative message that things are getting so bad.  Like the road toll however, we think a time will come when a combination of technology, regulation, smart thinking and good old market forces will turn […]