Emantra Consulting

Commencing in 2023, Emantra will offer Consulting Services in Network Operations and Enterprise Cyber Risk Management.  Over the years, we have successfully dealt with cyber risk management as a daily part of our sovereign hosting business.  We have built up a lot of practitioner expertise which can be turned into valuable advice.  For our hosted […]

Emantra on Local Buy LB308

Emantra is proud to continue providing services as an ICT Solutions provider to LocalBuy customers, under the new LB308 ICT Solutions, Products, Services and New Technologies panel. Under this arrangement, Emantra’s full suite of cloud services and products are available to local governments and organisations. The appointment continues on from Emantra’s listing on the Local […]

SOCI to me

The SOCI Act has prompted some companies to contact Emantra about their obligations under this new legislation.  We can see that there is some confusion about this mandate, who it affects and what it really means.  Essentially it’s a treatment of the concern that cybercrime could adversely affect the national economy and wellbeing through the […]

National ID Verification service

Department of Home Affairs has awarded a one year contract extension for its national Identification Verification service to the incumbent providers.  Emantra and its system integrator partner have held this contract, which involves high-availability PROTECTED-LEVEL sovereign services, since 2014.

Emantra’s GREEN commitment

Emantra has formalised its commitment to a GREEN future with a series of steps designed to minimise its own carbon footprint and that of its data centre providers and other vendors.  Emantra’s investment in hyper-converged and highly virtualised infrastructure also adds to its power usage efficiency. Read more about our commitment here.

Managed Azure Sentinel Services

Emantra has added a Managed Azure Sentinel service to its Enterprise Cyber Risk Management portfolio, hosted and supported 24/7 within Australia by AGSVA-vetted technicians.  This is available as a standalone offering or integrated with Emantra’s mSOC suite.  It provides oversight and operation of Azure Sentinel tools including SIEM which are designed to integrate into Microsoft-centric […]

Employee assistance program

Emantra has invested in an Employee Assistance Program designed to assist the welfare of its valued staff who have suffered disruption to their normal working lives over the past two years.  This is part of a strategy to make Emantra a truly great place to work.

Azure Stack HCI

Emantra has just signed off development of an Azure Stack HCI environment housed within its Canberra footprint.  This deployment is intended to offer federal government agencies a “best of both worlds” approach in terms of sovereign compliance and leverage of public cloud data science and scalability on demand solutions.